Is it possible to capture stream of 32 bits from 16F74 PIC with arduino?
The line seems to be CBUS, or at least the stream is for an LCD display which is being driven with PCF2111C.
The PCF2111C takes in following signals:
CLB Clock burst input (CBUS)
DLEN Data input enable
So, I want to capture this stream of 32 bits between 16F74 and PCF2111C.
Any example code available? I have been trying to find this kind of code, but all seem to capture one word which is 8 bits long.
If this is not possible, I might be able to capture the bits I need from PCF2111Cs output (parallel, takes 16 IOs...), i only need 16 bits from that stream that would be usable for me (they drive certain parts of the LCD screen). But if there is any other way to get that whole stream to arduino it would be great..
Help Smiley
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