the new Zotac ZBOX mini-PC, powered by VIA’s latest dual-core processor. Measuring 12 x 12 x 4cm, this little beast runs on VIA’s low-power Nano X2, which is available at speeds of either 1.2 or 1.6GHz, depending on your preference. It also comes equipped with native 64-bit software support, VIA’s PadLock data encryption engine and is compatible with the company’s other processors, including the Nano, C7, C7-M and Eden. Plus, there’s an SD card reader, two USB 3.0 ports and HDMI and DisplayPort outputs. Availability and pricing remain a mystery, though we’re certainly hoping it won’t be as exorbitant as some other bite-sized PCs we’ve seen in recent months.
VIA Technologies, Inc, a leading innovator of power efficient x86 processor platforms, today announced that it will demo the ultra compact ZOTAC ZBOX mini-PC featuring the VIA Nano X2 dual-core processor at the VIA Computex booth, TICC, room 201D.
Powered by the VIA Nano X2 dual-core processor, the ZOTAC ZBOX features a palm-sized chassis measuring just 12 x 12 x 4cm, making it an ideal solution for integration into a home entertainment system as well as space constrained workspaces.
“The ZOTAC ZBOX is a great example of the kinds of innovations in form factor design that are possible on our low power VIA Nano X2 dual-core processor platform,” said Richard Brown, Vice President of Marketing, VIA Technologies, Inc. “It provides an excellent solution for home and officer users seeking a premium computing experience in an ultra compact size.”
VIA Nano X2 Dual-Core Processor
VIA Nano X2 dual-core processors are available at speeds of 1.2 and 1.6GHz and are built using the latest 40nm fabrication process.
VIA Nano X2 processors come with native 64-bit software support, VT CPU virtualization technology, and VIA PadLock™ hardware security features and are also pin-to-pin compatible with VIA Nano, VIA C7, VIA C7-M and VIA Eden processors, facilitating easy upgrades of existing designs.
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