Monday, December 17, 2012

cheap pen camera 4Gb

cheap pen camera 4gb spy pen is one of the most searched, purchased and used from all the spy pens available on the market today. But this begs the question, why? What's so good about a special set up that leads to it being so successful.   cheap pen camera 4Gb Spy pen itself will break down into half, the lower segment, the pen will be a good standard pen with ink supplies that are smaller than usual. This is to accommodate for the top, this section has all the pieces of the camera work.   Most major will consist of two parts, a 4gb DVR recorder and battery. Goods which is a link that seems to be successful pen. 4gb Memory in DVR will be expected to hold about 4-6 hours worth of footage. This is a decent quality but more...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

daftar harga hidden camera

daftar harga hidden camera pen hidden camera Spy Camera Pin SMILE hidden camera unik canggih Kamera Rahasia / kamera perekam terbaru Model Pin Smile. Spy kamera/ kamera Rahasia terbaru dengan TV Out. Multi fungsi, Dapat merekam suara, merekam video, foto, play langsung di layar TV/ PC. Untuk laptop dapat berfungsi sebagai webcam atau pc camera. Kamera ini sangat tersembunyi dan sangat efektif untuk presentasi Harga:225000.00IDR jual spy camera bentuk remote mobil Spy camera / kamera pengintai unik kami yang satu ini memang beda, pocket cam berbentuk carkey/ remote mobil. Sangat canggih dan kecil, sehingga dapat disimpan, digantung atau dikantongi. menggunkan slot micro sd Harga belum termasuk memory micro sd Harga:175000.00IDR kamera...

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